Monday, July 18, 2011

Media Monday: Star of the Week

Star of the Week by Darlene Friedman

We give it 4 out of 5 stars.

You can read it here on Google Books.

Here is a summary from the book flap:
"It's Cassidy-Li's turn to be Star of the Week at school! So she's making brownies and collecting photos for her poster. She has pictures of all the important people in her life - with one big exception. Cassidy-Li, adopted from China when she was a baby, doesn't have a photo of her birthparents. But with a little help from her family, she comes up with the perfect way to include them!"

Our thoughts: We love that Cassidy-Li includes her birth family on her poster. That is a big part of who she is and it should be celebrated. In the book it states that she is a little worried about what questions her peers will ask, etc. We think that is a normal concern, but the class responded well to it. We were sad that it was a closed adoption and that she didn't have any pictures of her birth parents. She decided to draw a picture of them instead. We are hoping for an open adoption so that the child can have a relationship with their birth parents, and continue to celebrate and honor them forever!

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