Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Our big brother in the making

Caden is really excited to adopt and to be a big brother. He frequently tells people about it and talks about it with us. This morning he was coloring with markers and this is what he came up with (all on his own):
It is Dad on the left, then Caden and then Mommy with a baby in her arms (that we adopted). On the right are two of his girl cousins.

I was really touched. He is going to be a GREAT big brother and will be a huge helper with his little brother or sister. He has already been practicing for years, because he pretends that his stuffed animals are "his babies" and he feeds them, puts them in the stroller, reads to them, puts them to sleep, etc. He is 100% boy, but he has a tender heart for little babies and is excited to help us care for our adopted baby.


  1. OMG, that is so cute! Ha ha ha. I absolutely CANNOT wait for the good news when you guys get "picked" to be parents again! It's so awesome that you've got Caden talking about adoption and excited about it! :)

    Thanks for your kind words on my blog. That was a really, really bad day... but I'm recovering!

  2. The pictures of Caden made me laugh out loud. What a cutie! I sure wish that Bradley and Caden could still be buds!
