Cupid Coupons
For many years (maybe since we got married...I will have to check) I have been giving Russ "cupid coupons". I got the idea from Family Fun (a website and magazine that I LOVE). They are just cute little cards that I give him each day of February with a coupon for 1 candlelit dinner, 2 backrubs, etc. I hide them in different places for him to find. It is a fun tradition and helps to spread out the magic and joy of the holiday.
I also hide a valentine for Caden each day with a treat. I write something that I love about him on each card. He is learning to read, so I wrote them in a way that he could read them himself. He loved finding them! After Valentine's Day, he told me that I should give him more valentines. :) I think that means he liked it!
This tradition came from my family. There are 5 girls and 1 boy in my family. Every year, all the girls would make one huge sugar cookie for my Dad and one for my brother. They, in turn, would give us a carnation flower and See's chocolate. If you haven't ever tried See' is heaven in chocolate form. I LOVE it! As we grew, so did the amount of See's we got! My dad will still send a gift certificate for a pound of See's chocolate to all the girls in the family (including my talented sister-in-law) with a note telling us what he appreciates about us. It is always a highlight.
Ever since we got married, I have been making a big sugar cookie for Russ (and Caden too when he came into the family). This year, I decorated it with sprinkles...because both my boys LOVE sprinkles!
Printable Valentine games
Last year, I had made a Heart bingo game. Caden was excited to play it again this year. I also made my own version of "Don't eat Pete" that we called "Don't eat Val". Caden and his friends LOVED it and are still playing it. So cute!
This year we celebrated Valentine's Day with a candlelit dinner of a heart shaped pizza. Caden had seen a commercial for one and wanted to do it. He loved watching me make the pizza into a heart and putting on the pepperoni.
I made Russ a nicer dinner of chicken broccoli crepes another night. We also went on our date another night to go see the movie Tangled. We loved it!
Love this post! Sounds like a great Valentine's!