Monday, February 21, 2011

Media Monday: Glenn Beck

Russ' brother and his family were in town last weekend, and it was fun to spend time with them. While we were over at his parents house, Mom mentioned that she and Dad heard Glenn Beck talking about how he adopted his son. I am steering clear of talking about politics on this blog. However, I did like that Glenn pointed out that a 14 year old girl was able to be selfless enough to deliver a child and then to place that baby in the care of two parents (Glenn and his wife) that could care for him.

I love that both sides of our family are very supportive of adoption and are willing to help out with anything, even by sharing things that they hear about adoption from friends, tv, etc.

I couldn't find a good clip/story of the tv show they watched. But here is a link for Glenn and Tania's adoption story (from the 2007 National FSA conference).

I love how open they were about their desire to adopt. Everyone we talk to knows that we are trying to adopt, because either Russ or I will mention it...or my favorite is when Caden says it!

Here is a quote from their adoption story that just warms my heart: "[The birth mom] was a hero. She was a remarkable superhero. Raphe doesn’t need Spiderman or Superman; he’s got his natural mother as an example of what real superheroes do. Real superheroes don’t think about themselves. Real superheroes don’t make their life all about them."

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